How to Create a Winning Social Media Strategy for Your Nonprofit Organization

Fundraising is a challenge for most nonprofits. It's uncomfortable to wonder if your finances are strong enough to hold on for another year. Many nonprofits use social media to gain support and draw more people toward their cause. Social media can be a great tool, but to make the most of it, you must know how to create a winning social media strategy for nonprofits.

Most nonprofit teams spend their social media energy sharing about the people they serve. Followers naturally want to hear about the impact you're making. But it's also important to add balance with content that draws the donor in and helps them envision themselves as a hero of the transformational story for your cause.   

To add muscle to the social media strategy for your nonprofit, you'll want to:

  1. Know who your donor is (we can help you with free resources at

  2. Use your posts to talk to that donor to help them imagine their role in helping your cause. 

  3. Call them to action and help them see themselves as a hero of the story. 

A 3-part Social Media Strategy for Nonprofits

To win with social media, you'll want to have an intentional content strategy that's about one-third mission-focused, one-third donor-focused, and one-third asking for what you need. Here's how you can map it out:

⅓ of the time, stay mission-focused. 

Share stories about the way you impact the people you help. Focus mainly on the problem you help people overcome and the success your organization offers your cause. 

⅓ of the time, stay donor-focused.

Share stories that help donors feel they can be a hero for this cause. You'll continue to focus on the problem as you do when you're mission-focused. Talk about your organization's process that helps people overcome their pain points. And paint a picture of the wins your organization helps people achieve. Show donors how they can become a hero with a call to action to donate monthly.  

⅓ of the time, ask for advice and connection.

Asking for advice and connections is equally essential as donations that you may receive, especially when they can expand your sphere of influence. This type of post will create engagement and introductions to new circles. Ask followers to comment and share and help you widen your influence. 

Two-thirds of a winning social media strategy for nonprofits is knowing the donors who can impact your organization most. We've written a book that helps you find them. Lasting Donor Locator will provide the tools and proven frameworks to help you work more on your mission and less on raising funds. 

Remember— the goal of social media is not to reach the masses. It's to get those who can impact your organization the most. You don't need a large following on social media if you're reaching the right people with compelling content. 

We help you locate passionate donors who love to give. They will support you with year-round fundraising that feels easy and brings steady, predictable income. With repeatable frameworks, you will diversify your revenue and achieve the consistency and stability you're longing for.

Listen to Podcast Episode with Marketing Made Simple


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