How to Start a Nonprofit Blog That'll Make Your Donors Obsessed

As a nonprofit, you're probably pulling your hair out wondering how to raise more funds without resorting to nomming on dry fundraising letters. What if there was an easier way to generate cash while making your donors feel like the real MVPs?

Enter: the humble nonprofit blog. This hard-working content hub can help you connect with supporters, share your mission, and —most importantly— inspire them to keep on giving. Heck, when done right, your blog will have donors feeling like the heroes they are!

Not sure where to start? Here's the inside scoop:

How to launch a nonprofit blog that'll make your fans obsessed.

Step 1: Set the Right Vibe

If your blog feels like it was written by a financially-focused robot, donors will tune out faster than you can say "501(c)3". Instead, craft a vibe that resonates:

—Use a fun, relatable, storytelling style that puts smiles on faces 

—Show off the human side of your .org by spotlighting staff/volunteers  

—Make it thumb-stoppingly visual with photos, graphics, videos, and more

You're not writing billable hour notes here. The more personality and heart you pack in, the more donors will feel that personal connection.

Step 2: Make Them the Stars

Donors are the REAL heroes making your mission happen. Reinforce it by turning your blog into their spotlight:

—Share success stories that show the tangible impact of their support

—Crowdsource ideas and experiences to make your fans a part of the blog  

—Spotlight your biggest donors/contributors as the MVPs they are

The more you remind donors how incredible and integral they are, the more they'll want to stick around and keep giving.

Step 3: Create Remarkable Content For Your Nonprofit Blog

In a world of infinite distractions, you need to create blog content that stops thumbs in their tracks. How?

—Cover niche topics in your space that no one else is talking about

—Look at real comments and questions for incredible content ideas   

—Don't be afraid to spark some conversations by taking a stand

When your blog publishes truly innovative, discussion-worthy pieces, you'll position yourself as the go-to thought leader worth following.

Step 4: Stay Consistent

A smash hit blog with tumbleweeds rolling through probably won't inspire much. To build a loyal audience of raving fans:

—Set a regular posting schedule that donors can count on (aim for 2x/month to start)

—Promote each post across your email and social channels

—Mix up your content formats with videos, interviews, contests, and more

20 Potential Topics That You Can Use Today for Your Nonprofit Blog

Just like the hardest part of making dinner is deciding what to have, often the hardest part of blogging is deciding what to write. We want to help solve the mystery, so here are 20 ideas you can pick up and use right away. Drumroll, please:

1. "5 Inspiring Success Stories from Our Beneficiaries"

2. "Behind the Scenes: A Day in the Life of Our Volunteers"

3. "How Your $20 Monthly Donation Makes a Big Impact”

4. "Meet Our Team: Spotlight on Our Passionate Staff Members"

5. "The Surprising History of Our Nonprofit's Mission"

6. "10 Creative Ways to Support Our Cause (Besides Donating)"

7. "Debunking Common Myths About [Your Nonprofit's Focus Area]"

8. "Our Top 5 Achievements This Year (Thanks to You!)"

9. "How Technology is Revolutionizing Our Work"

10. "The Ripple Effect: How Your Support Changes Lives"

11. "Guest Post: A Beneficiary's Perspective on Our Programs"

12. "Infographic: The State of [Your Cause] in 2024"

13. "5 Lessons We've Learned from Our Biggest Challenges"

14. "How to Become a Rockstar Volunteer: Tips from Our Veterans"

15. "The Unexpected Benefits of Supporting Our Cause"

16. "Q&A with Our Founder: The Vision Behind Our Nonprofi’’

17. "Before and After: Transformations Made Possible by Donors"

18. "How We're Adapting to [Current Event/Trend] in Our Field"

19. "Fun Facts: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Our Nonprofit"

20. "The Power of Community: How Local Partnerships Amplify Our Impact"

Remember to tailor these ideas to your specific nonprofit's mission, audience, and goals. 

Humans crave consistency and fresh content. It's the recipe for building habits and keeping donors engaged for the long haul.

Above all else: treat your blog as your nonprofit's heartbeat. When donors can tune in and feel the passion behind your mission, their loyalty (and donations!) will only grow stronger.

Ready to launch a blog that'll transform donors into superfans? Book a call with Quirk and we'll show you how to get started on the right foot!


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