Fundraising for Small Nonprofits: 7 Proven Strategies to Boost Your Impact

Running a small nonprofit means juggling countless tasks, but fundraising doesn't have to be one of the stress points. At Quirk, we believe you should spend more time on your mission and less on worrying about funds. Here are some straightforward and effective strategies for fundraising for small nonprofits.

Fundraising Made Simple

Our goal is to help you find unique and efficient ways to raise funds so you can focus on what really matters—making an impact for your cause. We’ve compiled some tried-and-true methods that will make fundraising less of a headache and more of a breeze.

Small nonprofits often operate with limited resources, making organizing large-scale fundraising events or campaigns challenging. You need more resources to grow and achieve your mission. We get it.  

Without effective fundraising, you may miss crucial opportunities to expand your programs, reach more people, and create a deeper impact. Every missed opportunity is a step back from your mission.

Effective Fundraising Strategies

Fundraising doesn’t have to be complicated. With these simple strategies curated with small nonprofits in mind, you can raise the funds you need to support your mission without feeling overwhelmed.

1. Host a Virtual Event:

With the rise of digital platforms, hosting a virtual event can reach a wider audience without the hassle of venue logistics. Consider webinars, online auctions, or virtual galas.


2. Crowdfunding Campaigns: 

Platforms like GoFundMe or Kickstarter allow you to share your story and raise funds from a broad audience. Make sure to keep your campaign updates engaging and frequent.


3. Monthly Giving Programs:

Encourage supporters to sign up for monthly donations. This provides a steady stream of income and fosters a deeper connection with your donors.


4. Corporate Partnerships: 

Approach local businesses for sponsorships or partnerships. Many companies are eager to support community-driven causes and can provide financial backing and increased visibility.


5. Peer-to-Peer Fundraising: 

Empower your supporters to fundraise on your behalf. Provide them with the tools and resources they need to create their own campaigns and reach out to their networks.


6. Grant Writing: 

While time-consuming, grants can provide substantial funding. Research and apply for grants that align with your mission and objectives.


7. Merchandise Sales: 

Sell branded merchandise like t-shirts, mugs, or tote bags. This not only raises funds but also increases awareness of your nonprofit.

Partner with Quirk

By implementing these strategies, you’ll see increased donations, heightened community engagement, and more resources to achieve your mission. Effective fundraising translates to a greater impact without the constant stress.

Ready to transform your fundraising efforts? Let Quirk support you with our expertise and experience. We’re dedicated to helping local nonprofits thrive and make a lasting impact.

Don’t let fundraising hold you back. With Quirk by your side, you can focus on your mission and leave the stress of raising funds behind. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your nonprofit succeed. 

And be sure to check our book and the free resources we’ve provided:  Lasting Donor Locator: Proven Frameworks for Finding the Right Donors to Engage With Your Nonprofit.


Innovative Fundraising Ideas for Small Nonprofits: Insights from Quirk's Founder


Event Promotion for Nonprofits: Simple Strategies to Maximize Your Impact