How to Get Monetary Donations from Big Businesses

Nonprofits that gain contributions from significant donations seem “lucky”. Every NPO wants to follow suit. But those organizations know a secret: large corporations consist of people. Getting donations from big businesses can be challenging, but a few strategies may increase your chances of success.

Gaining donations from big businesses or corporations:

  1. Check your board. 

    When did you last list the corporations where your board members work? The companies they regularly interact with? Those places are rich with opportunity, and already love what you do as an NPO. Take advantage of the immediate network of each of your board members. 

  2. Check your large donor list.

    People who give large amounts of money to charity are almost always successful in business, and they’re well-connected. Reach out for a conversation and ask them for introductions to some of their contacts. 

  3. Research the company.

    Before you reach out to a business, research the company's values and mission. Look for areas of overlap with your organization's mission and tailor your pitch accordingly.

  4. Build a relationship. 

    Building a relationship with a business can be a good way to gain their support. Attend their events, follow them on social media, and engage with their content.

  5. Make a professional pitch.  

    Once you have a connection, make a professional pitch highlighting your organization’s impact and how it aligns with the company's values. Use statistics and stories to provide support. 

  6. Show the company what's in it for them. 

    While highlighting your organization's impact, explain how supporting your charity will benefit the company. It could be through positive exposure, employee connection, or volunteer opportunities.

  7. Follow up.  

    After the initial pitch, follow up with the company to see if they have any questions or need more information. Be respectful of their time and decisions.

Getting donations from big businesses can take time, and not all companies you ask will donate. However, you will increase your success by building relationships and making a compelling case for your organization.


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